She wasn't giving him the feeling that she wanted to be convinced. When he fought with his sister, or his ex-girlfriends, or whoever, Charlie could tell when it was time to stop because the argument was pointless. He never had very good things to debate with, and now that he had given Penelope all his honesty and she still wasn't budging---Charlie didn't feel like he was giving up, and maybe that's what was telling him that he was doing the right thing.
"All I want from this," he waved between the two of them, "is for you to be happy. When you're happy, I'm happy, and---until you're happy with...yourself, then..."
Wow, this really sucked. Charlie rolled his eyes up to the sky to try and be smart about it, make it sound like this was fine and it was supposed to be like this. Penny wasn't in a good place, and he knew that now. He didn't understand it, but he knew it and if she wanted his help then he'd give it, but for now she didn't seem to be able to take it.
"Then you need to figure it out," he said, a lot softer than before, hoping his voice hid his sadness, "You---know where I live, you know how to contact me and I' there. For you." That made him feel better, making sure that she knew she could still rely on him. Charlie wanted to move to kiss her goodbye, even if it was just on the forehead, but he stopped himself. It didn't need to seem anymore bittersweet than it was.
"Hopefully I'll see you around then."
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