"Oh--no, no. No, no," Charlie let out, hearing her voice, trying to catch her eyes. Seeing Penny upset was startling enough, but actually seeing her show more emotion than she'd shared---other than being happy, she always seemed happy with him, so seeing her like this, hearing her voice, "Penny, Penny don't."
Charlie crouched as he put his hands on her shoulders, hoping she didn't mind his touch. She had never before, but that was---this was different. They didn't talk about this kind of stuff. Charlie rambled, Penny listened and gave him advice, and then he'd kiss her and she kissed him and---Merlin, he felt like such an idiot for not taking more notice in things. Charlie could come up with a million excuses for his lack of attention but that wasn't fair to her, and it wasn't fair to him. She could've reached out to him, but he could have done more.
He tried to push her back, out of the middle of the sidewalk and toward one of the buildings' storefronts. Charlie just wanted to know what he could do to help, he just wanted to help because he felt like if she hadn't been seeing him then all the chaos with her brother would not have happened. "Everything's going to be okay."
What the hell did he know, though?
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