“….Healer Diggle?
Dedalus grunted as a way of recognizing that someone was calling to him from the doorway of the on call room, though he couldn’t place who it belonged to. He was half asleep, with his arms folded over his eyes to keep out the minimal amount of light that had entered the room when the door had opened, turning over onto his side to face the wall a bit. He had a pounding migraine that he had only just taken something for, seeing how he had been suffering through it for the last couple of hours while with a patient. He didn’t like becoming dependant on them, and because he was a healer, he thought it was irresponsible of him to not practice what he preached to those he prescribed things for.
These late nights were taking their toll on him though, and having people’s thoughts floating around his head all day in addition to his own never helped keep his stress level low. Thankfully things were much better now than they were back in Hogwarts, when he had no idea what he could do, or how to control it after he did. He had gotten a much better grasp on it since then, though when he was extremely tired he often times caught a snippet of someone’s thoughts in passing.
“Um…I know you told me not to disturb you sir, but you have someone here to see you.”
A visitor? He furrowed his brows, and dropped his arms to look towards the door, though he immediately regretted it when he was blinded by light, since his eyes had never adjusted and his head was still pounding.
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