The shin-guard. She hadn't even---he was connecting that and---Bess suddenly felt sick, realizing how really terrible her husband must have been viewing this entire situation. Viewing her. If she'd found a high-heel under the couch she would have been furious, and---Bess' hands were clenched at her side as her mind raced for something that would satisfy Drystan's questions and keep Penny's secret safe. If she told her husband about his sister's current activities, in the mood he was in Drystan would probably go bursting through the walls. No, no, she'd have to take one for the team, as they said.
Bess had to trust that he loved her enough to trust her when she said she was being honest with him. She looked worried, her breathing becoming heavy, and it was a wonder she'd managed any sort of cases at her job because this sort of pressure was ready to crush her. Her eyes dropped to the ground, her hands going out in a pleading sort of manner.
"It's not what it looks like." How guilty did that sound? Bess felt so foolish and she forced the tears that stung her eyes to not roll down her cheeks by sucking in a deep breath, "I'm not---you have to trust me, it's---" For the good of their family? What could she say? She looked like a cheating wife with no excuse for any of her strange actions.
"Drystan," she let out, looking back up at him finally, ready to burst with the guilt and heavy load she had on her shoulders. Merlin's beard, she was going to strangle her sister-in-law, "I swear it's nothing, I just can't tell you what it is right now. I'm not doing---anything!"
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