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m i r a n d a ([info]stageleft) wrote in [info]valesco,
Miranda was nodding along with his words before he'd even finished. She could see the fear in his face, she felt it. She was so scared of what could happen. During regular pregnancies there were so many things to worry about, and Miranda had---she'd felt her baby and....it was the worst experience she'd ever go through in her entire life, but the idea that she'd never get to go through the best was almost as equally terrifying. She and Ralph, they had so much love to give and share. Even with all the trouble they'd gone through, they'd also been so lucky to have made it out of the war alive and mostly well. They'd survived horrendous ordeals, so they deserved---they deserved to make the best of it.

She stepped closer to Ralph, nearly closing any space between them as her fingers moved against his. He said he wanted to, that he wanted to have kids, and that's what all she wanted. Miranda had needed to know that he hadn't been too scarred to want to ever start a family.

"Me too," she said, finding it important to voice that. Terrified. But...she wanted that next part of their family. It had taken them so long to finally be together without any sort of interruptions, whether it be death eaters or themselves, they deserved to take this next step into their own hands, "We could...we could just see what happens?"

Miranda could just stop taking the potions she'd been so obsessive with. That didn't mean they'd conceive the first time they had sex after she stopped, it just meant that...it could happen. Someday. "I could stop taking my potions and---I mean---I don't have to now, but---at some point," she added hastily. She didn't want him to think she forcing him into this decision right this instant.

Right here on Platform 9 and 3/4. Her timing was impeccable sometimes.

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