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danielle r. rookwood ([info]curador) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2011-09-01 22:12:00

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Entry tags:danielle rookwood, donovan rookwood, elizabeth fortescue, gabriel corner, group, juliet nott, rachel corner, rhys nott, rian kettleburn, rose knightley, thomas mccormack

Rookwood Wedding! Open to Guests!
Everything had gone off without a hitch.

Danielle wanted to cry for more than their vows, she was just so elated that the ceremony hadn't been interrupted by someone angry at the both of them, anyone who found it wrong for them to be together. It felt like all these months of turmoil and tears had been pointing towards this day, and Danielle was going to love every second of this day.

Her hands rested behind her back as she listened to her father's story about his wedding day. Danielle rocked on her heels with a smile on her face, so happy that she was going to have stories to share with her family, their future children, and anyone else who was willing to listen. The party was small, just their closest friends and family (Rian had come! He'd come!), and it was just what Danielle had always wanted. The wedding was supposed to be about her and Donovan, it had always been Donovan, and to have her fantasy come true was astounding.

And it wasn't even the felix felicis they had given all of their guests as favors, talking.

She was about to comment on how her father seemed to be getting misty eyed when a hand rested on her waist. Danielle turned and smiled brightly at her husband, and excused herself from her family to pay some attention to him.

"Have I told you how handsome you look today?"

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2011-09-04 01:44 am UTC (link)
Danielle tilted her head in teasing manner, feeling her slightly curled hair bounce on her bare shoulders. Everything felt like it had fallen into place, and it was a lovely, lovely feeling. Donovan looked so handsome, even if he was half out of the tuxedo, he looked so handsome. She had tried so very hard to find colors and a scheme that would reflect their personalities and she felt like she'd managed it. Though, really, with how happy she was they could have been wearing potato sacks and she would have thought they looked fabulous.

Mrs. Rookwood. Was that the first time she had been called that? They'd been so quiet these past few weeks, Danielle couldn't recall...it sent tingles up and down her spine and she pushed herself forward, lifting her chin to stare at Donovan with a serene smile on her face.

"Maybe," she let out, taking hold of his hands with both of hers. She didn't want to let him go, she wasn't going to let her go, and part of her wanted to just slip away and take him all to herself. Danielle had to control her urges, and she'd look forward to their honeymoon in the mean time. "But it's true, you've never seemed handsomer."

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2011-09-07 06:03 pm UTC (link)
His fingers laced with hers as she took hold of his hands, and he moved his face close enough to bump her nose with his. He didn’t really care about the compliments he was receiving, seeing how he was too focused on her to really care whether he looked handsome, or like a hot mess. He would just inch forward until his lips were on hers, pressing a soft kiss there. It lingered, and then he kissed her again for good measure before he moved to look down at her.

“Everything went much better than we had anticipated, didn’t it?”

There was a hint of a smirk bordering his words, though it was less because he was amused, but just…thankful. Things could have very easily ended in disaster on their wedding day – the reason they had bound themselves legally before being married in front of their friends and family.

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2011-09-07 07:18 pm UTC (link)
Danielle had figured out at least a hundred and six ways for something to go wrong at the wedding. She even wrote them down, figuring that if she had a list, she would be able to devise a plan to get out of whatever mess anyone threw at them. Why, she'd even tipped the doorman of their dining hall a bit extra to make sure that only their guests came down a certain hallways, not that Donovan needed to know about that or her other preventative ways...

"It was perfect," Danielle said softly, getting lost in his eyes and the close proximity. Would anyone blame them for breaking out into a very intense snogging session right now? She supposed it was something her parents and brother could do without, but it was very hard to resist the urge. Instead her grip on his hands tightened, hoping to convey how much closer she really wanted to be with him.

She let out a happy breath, "Rian came, can you believe it?" she let out softly, still amazed. Her brother hadn't conferred with her about his attendance, but she was so glad he'd shown. Danielle had been worried about her mother coming as well, as her father had really been her only family member that seemed supportive, but her mum had surprised her too.

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