When Rian had shown up at her door in a suit and with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, Liz had been too startled to say no to whatever his request was. Thankfully it hadn't been something ridiculous like jumping off a bridge, and was only an invitation to his sister's wedding. Liz had remembered Rian going back and forth about whether or not he wanted to attend the ceremony, but she was glad that he had finally decided to support his sister and family.
It took
Liz approximately ten minutes to get dressed and ready. One thing she'd never complain about was how easily manageable her boring straight hair was, and she'd had the dress hanging in her closet for months now, having bought it in a random, trying to make herself feel better but it was utterly pointless, shopping spree. At least she got some use of her money, and hoped that Rian thought she looked nice. Not that---he wasn't her
boyfriend, or anything, they just sort of...saw each other. Occasionally. Maybe once or twice a week.
For lunch.
And sometimes dinner.
Whatever it was, Liz hadn't been feeling overwhelmed by it. Things were going remarkably slow, and she was glad for it; though how she hadn't realized that his
parents would be at his sister's wedding, she had no idea. Liz felt shy around the close knit group of people and tried her best to just be the happy, supporting guest, but was so glad when Rian had wandered away from the central group so that she could follow him and not feel so awkward.
"See---that wasn't so bad," she said, nudging his arm with hers. Liz looked up at him and smiled, shrugging her shoulders. Everything had been really nice.
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