Cecilia + Adamina (Eventually)
Things between Cael Gray and Cecilia Hooke had been a little…well, rocky to say the least. They went from being ‘friends with benefits’ without ever really classifying themselves as friends, to not knowing what to think about the other, all because of things neither one of them could change, even if they wanted to – his bloodline, and her past relationships. He didn’t know what word existed, if any, to classify what it was they used to be, so it was even harder now to find a way to describe what they were now. All he knew was that despite himself, he thought about her constantly – enough that he had decided to offer an invitation to some job function that he had told his boss he would attend, since it was one he actually wanted to go to.
Not once did he ever use the word ‘date’ to describe the outing, but he had managed to talk her into going with him after explaining how no one from her social circle would be there, and how she could either keep herself holed away, or at least get out of her flat for a day --- even if it was hanging around a group of people she didn’t want anything to do with.
From what he could tell, there weren’t many people left in Cecilia’s life who she could be around who weren’t going to scold her, or talk down to her all because of some friendship/indescribable relationship she had with him. He figured having a conversation with someone who wasn’t going to turn their nose up at her might be a nice change of pace.
It was ironic, how quickly the tables had turned for someone who had done a great deal of turning up her nose in the past.
They had arrived maybe 5 minutes ago, and would walk side by side, along a pathway in the grass, Cael dressed much more casually than he ever had been while at an event with her in the past, when he had usually been in his best dress robes. Instead, tonight, he wore a pair of lived in jeans, and a powder blue t-shirt that made his eyes seem like cuts of diamonds. There were a few tents set up, as well as some picnic tables – kids and adults alike running around on the grass, since there was so much wide open space. This was much more Cael’s environment – relaxed, fun, and friendly.
“Was I wrong to assume you wouldn’t know many people here?”
The question was directed down at her with a barely there smirk - he wouldn't deny that this was definitely a bit strange, actually being around her again, but he figured if they didn't meet in an open, neutral area, than it was just going to be more awkward as they tried to figure out where it was they stood.
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