"You know what, I am a professional!"
Thomas pointed a stiff finger at Billie, his pacing stopping for a moment to illustrate his point and to also regain some balance. His face was scrunched, eyes squinting at his teammate as he thought about what should come next from his rant. It was rather difficult to think, so he took another swig of his almost empty bottle of rum, "I have worked my ass off to be where I am today---and all that stupid----slag can----"
He let out a loud, annoyed grunt of a sound and dropped down to the couch beside her. Thomas glared at the door, though everything seemed to be moving slower than his mind. He had so many jumbled thoughts and angry things to say, but he just could not get them out. He'd taken up Billie's offer of company, seeing as she was his teammate; he may not get along very well with the rest of the Magpies, but he valued loyalty and trusted them not to spread his business around like some other woman he'd wasted too much time on.
"Five years," he moaned, dropping his head to the back of the couch, "I was with Regina for five years and she---" Thomas pressed his mouth together tightly, unwilling to verbally explain what had happened. It was too embarrassing, even if people could put the pieces from that bloody magazine's clues. "And now she's going off, spreading our business to everyone!"
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