bree & nate (![]() ![]() @ 2011-08-01 17:44:00 |
Entry tags: | bree dawlish, nate dawlish |
Using Erin and the new babies as a cover, Nate offered to take care of his kids for the afternoon. In reality, he had a few short hours to put together plan he'd been working on for more than a month. While babysitting his own kids usually wasn't an issue, trying to get them all packed and ready to go in the short time that they had while Bree was out of the house and keeping them entertained gave Nate a great appreciation for what Bree did all day. He could handled a bunch of new recruits and deal with nose wiping, but coordinating three children, someone to take care of the pets and watch the house (thankfully his brother had agreed to show up and do that) was just about breaking Nate's patience. He heard Bree's voice before he saw her, and Nate shouted the 'magic' words. The kids appeared from upstairs, giggling as they helped each other down carefully, Nate following behind them carefully holding the baby.
Grinning, they all lined up holding hands in front of several sets of luggage and waited for Bree to notice everything. Nate fussed a bit with Phillip in the weird strap on carrier his mother had bought them but the infant seemed to not care too much. "Welcome home! We have a surprise for you!" Nate said, sounding a little breathless and looking a little more worse for the wear, "First, you have to run upstairs and change, you need to match us," he instructed, pointing out that each of the boys had shorts and sandals on, Emily was wearing a sundress and they all had sun hats or ball caps on, "We've got twenty minutes before we leave," he said holding up a broken clock as the portkey. He'd explain to her later everything but right now it was all about fun. "And I'm going to need help because Scott had my wand and I can't find it so the bags aren't shrunk."
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