She almost whined that she was too tired for surprises. No, no, that would be rude, that would be so mean to say to the boyfriend who had done nothing but try to make her feel good about herself. Maggie would feel incredibly guilty for upsetting Adrian tonight after he'd put forth such an effort to try and make her happy. And---he had, he really did, he always made her happy, and maybe she should be putting forth a little more effort to make him happy.
Maggie's eyebrows rose at the sight of the blindfold and though she kept a smile on her face, she looked more confused than anything. If he was trying to play dirty out here in public, well...he could be a bit more discreet about it.
"I hope you're not planning on dragging me into that closet," she said, taking hold of one end of the blindfold to feel the fabric. They didn't play these sorts of games in bed, so he must actually not want her to see where she was going. Maggie wasn't sure if she could walk in these heels while blindfolded, so she hoped they didn't have to go far.
"Can I get a hint before you blind me?"
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