She didn't know how Graeme Dorny could be so silly and ridiculous one minute, and then speak such absolutely amazing words of wisdom the next. Maybe he was some sort of genius, and maybe that's why they'd been friends for so long. Liz had wondered why her kidnappers hadn't forced all of her memories away, there were so many things she missed about Lily like---her wedding, both of their weddings were just blurs of crowds, the most recent memory she had of Lily was from seventh year, when she told her about Evan---
But Graeme was crystal clear. Maybe her kidnapper had not know about her relationship with Graeme Dorny, how that he was the person she turned to when she knew Lily wouldn't appreciate the joke, or when she had to vent about Lily and other things. Graeme always got her jokes, he matched her sense of humor perfectly, and it was that Liz that she was aiming to be. The one that was best mates with Graeme Dorny and kept him laughing and happy.
She let out a breath as he cupped her face, touching her in way she hadn't been touched in a while. When she'd gone back to Ian's it had been worried, concerned bits of affection. Her night with Rian had been drunken and intense, so feeling like Graeme truly cared and loved her sent such a warm and beautiful feeling through her. Liz felt herself choke up and nod, understanding that he was right, but it was just so hard to believe, but it was Graeme and she had to believe him!
"Thank you, I--thank you, thank you---" Liz let out a shaky breath and before she knew what she was doing she pushed forward and kissed him hard, her hands clutching onto his shirt. Graeme was the only person in her life that she truly loved--
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