Was she suggesting what he thought she was suggesting? It was certainly something he'd never consider out loud without someone else bringing it up, but -- well, he really did need to get some real food in him before he started to get irritable. Little did most people know that Geoff Brand found his mood suffering with a low blood sugar. He also didn't want to end up snapping at Savannah, so after a moment he nodded.
"I think that might be a very good idea. Do we have to make a stealthy exit, though?" It would probably be the fastest way to go about things, that was for sure. He glanced over to the door and then to the coat check near to it, noticing with some degree of pleasure that there were not many people milling about the front. It was starting to get late enough that those who had been invited and only wanted to party would be coming in soon enough - that meant that they'd have plenty of cover to make their escape.
"Did you have anything in mind?" He wanted to make sure they went somewhere the both of them would enjoy.
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