Who: Seth and Heidi
What: Seth's got some 'xplaining to do!
Where: Outside Seth's flat.
When: April 19th-ish.
All in all, Seth was having a pretty shitty week, and if he wasn’t currently so pissed of at his brother, he would finally admit just how much he took having him as an agent for granted. Interviews, endorsement info, itineraries, other things that usually just ended up on his desk or in his hands or appeared on his list of things to do, all that shit was a pain to organize. And since he was currently agentless, because Henry was being a complete prat, Seth had to do all of what Henry usually did for him on top of the things he regularly had to do.
His desk was covered with contracts and offers and so much other stuff Seth was just tempted to give up on it all. Perhaps, since he hadn’t heard a whisper of a word from Henry since their argument, he ought to just give in and start looking for some one else to represent him.
He sighed as he finally found the particular piece of parchment he was looking for as he headed out the door for the meeting with the Snitch On reps. The one he was already running late for, Seth was never the organized one in the family.
It hadn’t been hard for her to figure out where Seth was ‘centered’, as it were. Even though Henry had told her that Seth was just trying to look out for him, this wasn’t something that she could just leave alone. If she was -- if she was going to be
seeing Henry for a long time, she was going to have to get it through his brother’s thick skull that if he had a problem with her, he’d damn well better approach her about it first or there were going to be problems.
Things had worked out remarkably well with Henry, but there had been the distinct possibility that they wouldn’t for too long to be comfortable for her. She almost ran head-on into Seth as he fled out the door, blinking. She took a deep breath.
“Oh good, I caught you before you’d left. We need to talk.” She tried to keep her voice level, but Heidi had always been an emotional woman, so that was difficult.
Seth skidded to a halt in front of the woman right in front of him. Had she been standing there when he walked out the door and he just didn’t notice? He was much to focused on the piece of parchment in his hand. “Um, I’m sorry, this is going to have to wait I’m already ….late” he trailed off as he finally looked up and realized exactly
who it was standing in front of him.
Great. Just bloody great. Seth did not have time for this. He did not have time for stalker girlfriends of brother’s he was currently
not speaking to. Especially no time when she was practically the reason he was so overwhelmingly behind in the first place. This was absolutely ridiculous. Wasn’t this exactly what he was talking about in the first place.
“Sorry.” He said again, this time a bit more short and clipped. “I have a meeting I need to be at, but if you schedule an appointment with my agent, I’m sure he’ll tell me about it once he’s speaking to me again.”
“You thought that was a request? Oh, I’m sorry, I’ll be a little clearer.” She scowled, stepping in front of him again to give him a good, hard jab to the chest. “You’re going to
make some time to talk to me and explain to me exactly why you thought it was best for you to ‘courteously inform’ your brother of what you thought happened between me and Drystan Fawcett.” She could feel her anger rising in her chest already.
“Did it ever occur to you that you did not, in fact, have your story straight and that you might have thought to bring it up with me in the first place before telling Henry a grossly inaccurate and incomplete story?” She crossed her arms over her chest in a huff. She really did look like was irate enough to hex him at this point.
...you might want to talk to her, Seth.
Seth frowned and didn’t even bother hiding his glare as he turned back around opened his door, and gestured her in with obvious force politeness. He was not having his almost five month streak of
not being in the tabloids ruin with this crazy stunt. Best way to avoid that was to not be in a pubic place when discussing such volatile subjects. Seth did occasionally learn something.
Once back inside he turned back to her, his own arms folded. “I don’t know why you think I was even obligated to come talk to you in the first place. My brother is more important to my than you are.” At least he was honest about his feelings even if they were a bit harsh. “And while this right here doesn’t really help your case much where I’m concerned, I think your point is a bit frivolous. He didn’t even believe me. Apparently I’m the type of horrible person who makes that sort of thing up.” At this point Seth really wasn’t even paying her much attention, as he wrote out a short note to explain his tardiness to the people he was suppose to be meeting with.
Forced politeness or not, Heidi was happy to not do this in the hallway. She scowled.
“You heard a vague story about someone who you were teammates with and you didn’t even think to at least delve into it a little deeper? If you really cared about your brother’s feelings, you would have looked further and tried to find out more about what really happened before telling him.” She glared at him pointedly, reaching forward to snatch the note. If he wasn’t going to pay attention to her unless she was forcibly removing his distractions, she’d just have to forcibly remove them. Her voice was raising in pitch and she couldn’t help the upset tone that it held.
“You already knew my name was Heidi Twilfit, right? Did you know that I was Heidi Barnes before that? It’s not a well-hidden fact, any sort of snooping would have told you that. Did you know my husband was killed by aurors and I was told he was a Death Eater? It turns out that can make you have some serious, if fleeting, mental problems.” Heidi frowned again. “And your brother believed you enough to bring this all up to me, Seth Wadcock. I
care about your brother, and you --
forced this conversation far before it was ready to happen.”
“Hey!” He let out indignantly as he tried to get the note back. “I’m already running late, they need to know or I’m going to lose this contract.”
He rolled his eyes when he finally realized that she wasn’t going to give in, and just leave. So fine, they were having this conversation then. “I really don’t know why everyone just assumes I pry and know everything about everyones personal life. Its really not a hobby I take part it. I only knew what I saw. Sorry I didn’t pry into your life more.”
He leaned back against his desk. “So I forced a conversation that needed to happen anyways. Is this you coming to yell at me for breaking you two up?”
“Maybe if you were running on time in the first place you wouldn’t have to be writing notes in the first place,” she said with a frown. She didn’t want him to invade her personal life further, but she would have thought that if he wasn’t clear on the story that he’d have at least looked a
little further.
This man was infuriating -- she could understand why Henry had decided to hide the fact that he was his brother. “No, this is me coming to tell you that we
haven’t broken up, but it’s no thanks to you!” She took a few steps forward toward him and she couldn’t help the reflex to reach out and give him a sound smack to the face. Palm-side, granted, but still hard enough to leave a stinging bruise. “Do you always act so casually when someone tells you about an extremely traumatic event in their life? No wonder Henry doesn’t want any personal association with you! Do you even have
feelings for anything except your own self-interests?” She took a step back, feeling out of breath.
This hadn’t been a very good idea.
Seth really should have expected being slapped, but it caught him off guard none the less. He rubbed his cheek. He supposed he deserved that. “Do you feel better now?” What else could he really say. It’s not like she told him any of that to gain his sympathy. He was pretty sure it was to just make him feel like an ass. Or to prove that she wasn’t a crazy stalker. Either way, its not like she was telling him as her friend.
He rolled his eyes when she accused him of not having any feelings. She and his brother were going to get along just fine. “You got me, I’m a callous bastard that could care less about anyone else.” he said with a hint of sarcasm, not even bothering to argue this point yet again. “You and my brother are still together. I haven’t ruined anything, so what do you want from me? An apology? An explanation? Sympathy?”
did feel better, honestly, even if she knew it was silly for that to be true. Heidi took in a deep breath and tried not to make sure that she didn’t bring up the urge to punch Seth this time instead of slap him - he still really didn’t get it.
This was a waste of time, though, and it was only going to make her angrier - she sighed, letting out the breath she’d been holding and then shaking her head. “You really don’t get it, do you?” Even if he had partly had his brother’s best interests at heart, that certainly wasn’t how it looked. “I want you to remember that your actions have consequences, not just to yourself or the person you’re … trying to help.”
She turned on her heel to leave. “I suppose you’d better get to that meeting.”
Seth was ready to just let her leave. What did he care what she thought of him. She was just some girl that Henry was dating. Well, unless it got serious. And then, well shit. It really did matter to a certain extent, didn’t it. Damn it to hell. He almost missed the days were he could be a callous asshole and not care. He grabbed what he needed of his desk and followed after her, catching up quickly.
“Wait. Look.” He started when he caught up with Heidi. “For what its worth, which probably isn’t much, but, if I
had know the whole story, I probably wouldn’t have said anything. And from here on out, I’m minding my own business, okay?” he held his hands up in ‘I surrender’ fashion. It wasn’t exactly an ‘I’m sorry’ but it was about as close as Seth ever got.
She was genuinely surprised that Seth followed her - and in a good way, even. She would’ve just walked away if it had been anyone but Henry’s stupid
brother. Heidi turned on her heel to face him and gave him a very pointed look before she relaxed somewhat, hands still on her hips but eyes looking less like they were trying to fry him with invisible lasers.
“...all right. I guess that’s pretty much the best I can expect, huh?” Heidi shrugged her shoulders, trying to leak some of the tension out of her body. “That’s a good start, at least. Now go on -- I’m sure you’re already going to get in trouble for being as late as you are. Wouldn’t want to miss your meeting entirely.”