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h e n r y ([info]fictitious) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2011-04-10 16:12:00

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Entry tags:henry wadcock, seth wadcock

WHO: Henry Wadcock and Seth Wadcock
WHAT: Seth has some information about Henry's girlfriend!
WHERE: Cafe thing!
WHEN: A few days ago!
700th POST!

Seth drummed his fingers on the table as he waited for his brother to show up. Which in its self was a first, usually Seth was the one perpetually late making Henry wait on him, but today he was early. He felt like things were going better between him and his brother. They didn’t fight every time they spoke anymore. And he’d really taken a liking to Leanne, at least it seemed that way, as she always came home with little presents.

And now, Seth was going to bring up a touchy subject. Henry was going to be mad because he snooped. But now that was really beside the point now, Seth was really concerned because he knew who Heidi was and well, he would want to know if the girl he was dating had stalked a quidditch player in the past and caused all sorts of havoc.

So Seth sat and waited, really wishing it was later in the afternoon, so he could at the very least have a drink.

Henry was a bit startled when he entered the place and saw Seth already there. It took him a moment to get over the slight shock, but he bristled and made a beeline toward the secluded table his brother had picked out. He did have a lot of things to talk about with Seth, but he’d been a bit lenient on his schedule because much of his time now, thankfully, was being dedicated to his girlfriend. Not dedicated, that sounded way too serious, but--he was making time for Heidi, was all.

“All right,” he said as he slid into the booth on the other side of the table. Henry began pulling out his documents, pushing up his glasses as his eyes scanned them over, “Snitch On! has offered you two years worth of sponsorship, something about a new line of ads they want to put on the wireless---from what I’ve read the deodorant dialogue is really pretty funny---”

“Henry, this isn’t--” Seth tried but his brother just kept on about the ads, which were great, really, Seth loved Snitch On!, but this was not the moment. He took the parchments out of his brothers hands. “Henry. Great fantastic, I’ll do it. But I didn’t ask you here to talk business. I need to talk to you about Heidi”

That certainly got his attention. “Don’t give me that look, did you really expect me to leave it alone? And I’m glad I didn’t.” Seth decided to just jump right in, no point in dragging this whole thing out. “This Heidi girl. I know her, she stalked Drystan last year. I think she’s a bit off kilter. You should be careful.”

Excuse me?”

He’d barely gotten over the scandalized feeling of having his documents torn away from him before Seth had unleashed a barrage of---”You spied on me?”

How did he even know her name! How had Seth gotten so close without him seeing? Henry pressed into the back of the booth, feeling a rage and anger he hadn’t felt in a long time. He felt betrayed, his privacy had been invaded and now his idiot brother was spreading these terrible stories about her!

“Who do you think you are!” Henry let out loudly, completely aghast at what he was claiming Heidi to be. She stalked Drystan---Fawcett? No, that made absolutely no sense, the media would have been all over that, it was just Seth being an asshole, being---”I can’t bloody believe you right now!”

“I didn’t spy. I just happened across you two while you were out the other day. I thought she looked familiar so I looked into it a bit,” Seth said defensively. Henry was making it sound like he was being a terrible person. He was just trying to look out for his brother. “I’m just trying to-- I’m trying to look out for you. She could be using you to get to someone. You have access to all sorts of quidditch players information.”

Seth ran his hand through his hair. “I’m just saying be careful. This all could go very badly and I don’t want to see you get-- screwed over.”

Henry didn’t know what hurt more, and he was mad at himself for feeling hurt at all. What was worse, having his brother come at him with these lies and stories about Heidi, or to have Seth think that she wasn’t even interested in him, but was more focused on the people he knew and worked with.

He glared down at the table, not allowing himself to believe anything Seth was saying because it absolutely could not be true. Heidi was one of the sweetest people he’d ever met, and he hadn’t felt any sort of strangeness----though, Henry felt a shiver go down his spine as he realized he didn’t even know her last name. Not that---it hadn’t come up! He hadn’t mentioned his either to avoid the connection he had with Seth, because...most girls went and paid more attention to his quidditch all-star brother when they found out, and---

---it was exactly what Seth was insinuating and Henry felt like he’d been slapped in the face, stabbed in the back. He began to quickly grab at his parchment and documents, shoving them into his briefcase without any sort of sense. “This conversation is over.”

“Wait! Do you think I’m just making this up?” Seth asked trying to get Henry to stop. “I get it, your mad at me for snooping, you have every right to be. But I’m not just making this up to be an arse or something.” Did Henry really think that Seth would just tell lies to piss him off and make him miserable? That he thought this would be some sort of fun. Merlin, Seth knew he could be an complete arse to his brother at times but there were lines that even he didn’t cross.

“Heidi Twilfit, right? That’s her name? Because unless she’s a completely different Heidi, that just happens to look creepily similar, you’re seeing the girl who stalked my teammate last year. And that’s sort of a big deal. It’s definitely something you need to know about, at least.”

Twilfit? Was that her name? Henry felt his face flush as he realized that Seth knew more about his girlfriend than he did, but it was only because they were still getting to know each other! She knew about Leanne, he knew about her brother, so it wasn’t as if they were complete strangers! She knew about his job, he’d been to her office, it...Henry supposed that he didn’t know much about her history than her Hogwarts house, but---

“No! Just stop talking about her!” Henry let out, standing. He was not going to listen to Seth because he knew Heidi. Seth was just jealous or--or he honestly could not bother to see Henry enjoying his life! “Just shut up, Seth! God--why do you always have to do this? Any time I find something I enjoy or like or---you have to go and fuck it all up! What the hell is wrong with you?!”

Henry rarely cursed, but his brother deserved it at the moment, and he wanted to strangle him, “Just stay out of my life, Seth! God forbid something I do isn’t about you or your stupid quidditch pals!” He stood, flinging his briefcase’s strap over his shoulder, and his hands shook with angry gesticulations, “If you can’t keep your nose out of my personal life, which has absolutely NOTHING to do with you, then this business relationship is bloody over!”

“That is not what this is all about! I don’t--I can’t believe you think---” Seth felt--he felt flustered and he didn’t even know what to do with that. He did not get flustered, that was Henry’s thing. “I do not set out to ruin your life, Henry. Do you really think I’m such a horrible person that I would much rather see you miserable than happy? Is that what you really think of me?” He said getting farther from flustered and closer to upset now.

Seth stood to stop Henry from leaving, they would not leave things like this, when he went on about their business relationship being over. “You don’t mean that.” Seth said hoping he didn’t sound as worried as he really was about his brother just walking out on him and leaving him without an agent. “You don’t mean that at all. We are brothers. Our personal lives are going to get mixed in with the professional. I’m just trying to be a good brother here. You can’t just up and walk out on me as my agent just because I start caring about you as my brother.”

Just started caring,” Henry snapped ready to pull out his wand. He didn’t care if they were causing a scene! He didn’t care if Seth punched him in the face or if he tackled his brother first, this was---it was the most humiliating thing Seth had ever done to him! He’d finally found a girl that seemed to fit him perfectly, and now his brother was trying to taint their relationship with these ridiculous stories that---they couldn’t be true.

But Henry knew that his anger wasn’t just aimed at Seth. He knew that his brother couldn’t have come up with her name like that, he knew that to talk about Drystan Fawcett in that way meant that he was actually sure of this, because Fawcett’s reputation was spotless and most people in the business avoided discussing him at all costs, so----so it hurt. Henry knew that his brother was on to something but to think that his girlfriend could be capable of something like...like stalking Drystan, like using him to get to another quidditch player...Henry would rather focus his anger on Seth, like he was used to doing, than accept those supposed facts.

“When you can get your head out of your arse, maybe we can talk business again, I’m not dealing with you right now, Seth, just--get away!”

“Because you make it so bloody easy, with your judging and pretending all this is, is professional, and the whole not believing me when I’m telling you the truth.” Seth shot back.

Whatever. He tried. He did his part and if Henry didn’t want to believe him. Fine. Just fine. And when it all blew up in his face and Henry finally saw that he wasn’t just making shit up just because he was an outright bastard, He would at least try to be nice when he said ‘I fucking told you so.’

“Fine.” he repeated, this time aloud, throwing his hands up. He was pissed. Of all people, Henry should know that he was trying to turn his life around. That he was trying to turn his back on his old reputation. And here Henry was trying to shove him right back into it. “Fine. I’m done with this. This is me walking away. And since you probably never wanted me as an account anyways, you’ll probably be delighted.”

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