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ε s p ◘ ([info]esp) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2011-03-20 00:54:00

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Entry tags:edward pennifold, graciela pennifold

Mentally sighing, Edward put the manuscript he had been reading down on the table in front of him. He suddenly found himself too distracted to fully envelope the novel's subliminal messages of the heteronormative state of society through the depiction of traveling hippogriffs. Graciela sat close next to him, writing neatly in one of her many, many notebooks. This was how they spent most of their nights. With words, on Graciela's couch in the living room. Usually this wouldn't bother Edward, he enjoyed words, and was happy that it was something he and his girlfriend could share but---

Zacharias' lack of presence was noticeable, but not deafening. What Edward noticed more was their lack of, well, utilizing upon Graciela's son's absence. Edward, of course, had no children in his life except his three year old niece but those visits were planned in advance. So it left things very... open to opportunity for them, if he would say so. But so far it had been almost a week, and nothing. Nothing!

Was there something wrong? Edward hadn't dared bring up this issue up with Derek. He knew how his friend would respond, and just thinking about it made him deeply bothered. He could picture it now: Edward desperately trying to create a black hole to jump into as Derek rolled across the floor in laughter before giving an incredibly uncomfortable speech. It was just something Edward simply could not bear. But he didn't want to say anything to Graciela either, because how incredibly forthcoming and pressuring would that be?

He pulled his lips together, torn between wanting to snap Graciela out of her writing and keeping quiet. He knew how important a writer's creative flow was, but this urge was starting to affect him! It was not good for business. But bringing--- it up was unthinkable, something Edward could never do because she would have to initiate first, by far! Realizing this, he unceremoniously picked his manuscript back up to attempt to continue.

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2011-03-20 04:05 am UTC (link)
Graciela was writing in her small red notebook, which she usually did not bring out in public like this, or at least, in front of people. Her notebooks were organized by size and shape, something she had not realized until she had towers of them in her office and she'd noticed their themes. Black were for dark and depressing thoughts, ideas, blue was for sad, but epiphany bringing scenes, and so on, emotions correlating with their shade of the rainbow. Her little red notebook was one she kept locked up in her desk, hidden from view for--forever! She was sure Alex had never been aware of this book. It had not been written in much when she was with Alex, she wondered why...

Graciela's pencil (she had tried writing with a quill early on, but that was for school work, not her work) pressed hard into the paper as her eyes scanned what she'd written in the past hour or so. Her newest venture was taking a turn from her two previous books. In light of the war ending, Graciela felt like she needed to create a story of happier, more positive productions. She would not call it a romantic tale, but unlike her first two novels, there was a central couple, and they---hm. Graciela tapped her pencil, wondering how she had not noticed that the scene of Maria and Antonio's first night together (together, together) had ended up nearly...ten pages long?

...and her handwriting was rather small. Oh.

Graciela flushed deeply and shut the book with a snap, watching Edward pick up his manuscript again. She should really put this notebook away. There was a reason it was locked up in her desk. As she clutched the book to her chest, Graciela kept her gaze on Edward. She was really unable to look at him, really, but grew flustered as he might notice her staring. How could she have written such...detail with her boyfriend sitting right beside her on the couch? Graciela had never written in this red notebook in front of Alex, but she had not thought twice about continuing what she was doing with Edward. She let out a breath.

"Would you like to read what I have?" she said, opening the book to the first page of the scene. Graciela did not know why she wanted him to read it, but the idea that she had actually had no problem writing it in front of him had to mean something, yes? He was her publisher, after all.

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2011-03-20 10:21 pm UTC (link)
Again, Edward put down his manuscript. Had she sensed his disgruntlement? At the thought of that, Edward felt a twinge of guilt, but only a twinge. His mind could only take over so far concerning attention like this. Though that really had nothing to do with this, he was always interested in reading Graciela's work. Leaving the other packet of parchment in his lap, Edward nodded quickly as he took the book from her hands.

"What's it about," Edward stated, already done reading the first sentence before his words had been able to spill out of his mouth. It hadn't even come out as a question, really, more like a wandering thought that would be answered soon enough. So Edward continued to read, not really realizing what he was reading until almost a page and a half in.

Oh. Oh. If it had been within him, Edward have blushed. But it wasn't, so instead he felt his insides seize up with every passing page to the point where it felt like he could barely breathe by the end. How had Graciela known, was she secretly a mind reader? The coincidences of what Edward had just been thinking about and the content of his girlfriend's story was far too similar for his comfort level. Granted, he was usually outside of his comfort level daily, but this was especially anxious-inducing for him.

Did this--- mean--- something? Edward would admit, his lack of social skills did sometimes leave him confused. Graciela did not seem as embarrassed as he was feeling, in fact she looked perfectly calm and content. So. Then. He should follow suit.

"It's very good," he swallowed, watching Graciela like a hawk to gage her response. Edward kept the small notebook in his hands, looking down at it for a second before speaking again. "I like it."

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2011-03-21 02:00 am UTC (link)
Graciela felt like she had been holding her breath the entire time his eyes scanned the pages of her notebook. This should not be strange, yes? Because---Edward would be reading this later, when she finished the manuscript of the book, he would have to read it then anyway! So it should not be strange, but it was because they were alone in her flat and for the first time this week she realized what that meant.

It was obvious that Graciela did not have much experience in this dating area. The first boy she had fallen in love with she'd gotten pregnant by and married. Alex was her first everything, so this time with Edward was not only new and exciting because he was the first man she had allowed herself to be close to after her devastating divorce, but because...she really did not know how to date. Alex had been such a tortured soul so it was easy to get wrapped up in his troubles, along with the problems of the war so that first year of their relationship had been crazy, all over the place, and the baby.

Her baby! She should feel guilty for the quick thoughts of not having to worry about Zacharias waking up that were filling up her head. She should, but all she could do was feel hot at the idea of Edward reading about her characters kissing and the thoughts they were having about each other, and what they wanted to do with each other in that very heated moment. How could she have let him read that? How could she have written that?

She would have to go to church tomorrow, first thing.

"What did you like about it?" Graciela asked, shifting to push away from the back of the couch and face Edward. She watched him as carefully as he was watching her, which just made her face grow warm.

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2011-03-25 03:57 am UTC (link)
Sweet Merlin she was giving him no social cues he could easily interpret to understand what she was really saying. What did Graciela mean when she asked if he liked it or not? Was she asking from a writing perspective, a realistic perspective, a fanciful perspective, or none of the above? Did she honestly think he would know, on any of those levels? For not the first time in his life, Edward felt like his was floundering, and really had no idea how to stop it.

Understanding is own girlfriend should not be this hard. Or anxiety ridden! Perhaps he was thinking too deeply. In a vain attempt to not implode, Edward took a deep breath and closed his eyes again. Breathing was the first step to sending more oxygen to the brain, and therefore letting his mind think clearer.

"I liked---" he began, his eyes still closed. Oxygen, oxygen! Taking another breath, he opened his eyes again to see Graciela staring intently at him. Wonderful. She was just as closely watching him. "I think," Edward started again. Thinking sexily and quick was too out of his reach at this point, so she was just going to have to bare with him.

"I think it's something we can do, too."

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2011-03-26 12:56 am UTC (link)
There was not a better word for it: Graciela leaped on Edward, knocking the two of them back down onto the couch before she kissed him soundly. That was all she needed, just the slight idea that Edward had the very same desire to snog her and more. Graciela had never been the one to take charge, and she really did not consider her tackling of Edward as taking a leadership position, but---okay, maybe, but she would never have done it if he had not suggested it.

Oh, who was she kidding? She'd been so wrapped up with missing Zacharias that she had not realized that for the first time in years she could give in to her own inhibitions. Every moment of the last three years had been dedicated to her son, and while she loved her son with all her soul, mummy needed some time for herself, too. She had a new boyfriend who was handsome, smart, and was such a gentleman! How could Graciela not want to snog him madly, how could she not feel the need to---go further?

They had been together for almost three months, which was three times longer than it had taken for her to have sex with Alex. Deus, she would definitely have to go to church tomorrow, but oh---Graciela shifted so that she was now sitting on Edward waist, lying forward against his chest as she kissed him deeply----oh, she was going to have to do a few dozen hail Marys in the morning.

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