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g r a c i e l a ([info]aheavenlycause) wrote in [info]valesco,
There was not a better word for it: Graciela leaped on Edward, knocking the two of them back down onto the couch before she kissed him soundly. That was all she needed, just the slight idea that Edward had the very same desire to snog her and more. Graciela had never been the one to take charge, and she really did not consider her tackling of Edward as taking a leadership position, but---okay, maybe, but she would never have done it if he had not suggested it.

Oh, who was she kidding? She'd been so wrapped up with missing Zacharias that she had not realized that for the first time in years she could give in to her own inhibitions. Every moment of the last three years had been dedicated to her son, and while she loved her son with all her soul, mummy needed some time for herself, too. She had a new boyfriend who was handsome, smart, and was such a gentleman! How could Graciela not want to snog him madly, how could she not feel the need to---go further?

They had been together for almost three months, which was three times longer than it had taken for her to have sex with Alex. Deus, she would definitely have to go to church tomorrow, but oh---Graciela shifted so that she was now sitting on Edward waist, lying forward against his chest as she kissed him deeply----oh, she was going to have to do a few dozen hail Marys in the morning.

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