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ε s p ◘ ([info]esp) wrote in [info]valesco,
Sweet Merlin she was giving him no social cues he could easily interpret to understand what she was really saying. What did Graciela mean when she asked if he liked it or not? Was she asking from a writing perspective, a realistic perspective, a fanciful perspective, or none of the above? Did she honestly think he would know, on any of those levels? For not the first time in his life, Edward felt like his was floundering, and really had no idea how to stop it.

Understanding is own girlfriend should not be this hard. Or anxiety ridden! Perhaps he was thinking too deeply. In a vain attempt to not implode, Edward took a deep breath and closed his eyes again. Breathing was the first step to sending more oxygen to the brain, and therefore letting his mind think clearer.

"I liked---" he began, his eyes still closed. Oxygen, oxygen! Taking another breath, he opened his eyes again to see Graciela staring intently at him. Wonderful. She was just as closely watching him. "I think," Edward started again. Thinking sexily and quick was too out of his reach at this point, so she was just going to have to bare with him.

"I think it's something we can do, too."

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