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g r a c i e l a ([info]aheavenlycause) wrote in [info]valesco,
Graciela felt like she had been holding her breath the entire time his eyes scanned the pages of her notebook. This should not be strange, yes? Because---Edward would be reading this later, when she finished the manuscript of the book, he would have to read it then anyway! So it should not be strange, but it was because they were alone in her flat and for the first time this week she realized what that meant.

It was obvious that Graciela did not have much experience in this dating area. The first boy she had fallen in love with she'd gotten pregnant by and married. Alex was her first everything, so this time with Edward was not only new and exciting because he was the first man she had allowed herself to be close to after her devastating divorce, but because...she really did not know how to date. Alex had been such a tortured soul so it was easy to get wrapped up in his troubles, along with the problems of the war so that first year of their relationship had been crazy, all over the place, and the baby.

Her baby! She should feel guilty for the quick thoughts of not having to worry about Zacharias waking up that were filling up her head. She should, but all she could do was feel hot at the idea of Edward reading about her characters kissing and the thoughts they were having about each other, and what they wanted to do with each other in that very heated moment. How could she have let him read that? How could she have written that?

She would have to go to church tomorrow, first thing.

"What did you like about it?" Graciela asked, shifting to push away from the back of the couch and face Edward. She watched him as carefully as he was watching her, which just made her face grow warm.

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