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Savannah Davies ([info]jot_it_down) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2011-03-15 22:46:00

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Entry tags:geoffrey brand, savannah davies

Savannah couldn't think of the last time she had been as nervous as she was now, waiting at the bar for her date to arrive. It didn't help that she couldn't think of the last time she had been on a date, either, let alone a blind date. True, she knew whose face she was supposed to be looking for, but that didn't mean she knew anything about the man behind the name; that name being Geoffery Brand. Half of Europe knew who the man was, and how incredibly handsome he was (gah, those eyes...), yet he had absolutely no idea who he was coming to meet. All he knew was that her name was Savannah Davies, and that was all due to the fact that they had been communicating through journals. It wasn't like her picture was ever published with any of the articles she wrote, so how could he know what she looked like?

True, she did used to be married to the at the time captain of the Montrose Magpies, and had gone on a few dates with the captain of Puddlemere United before that, so her picture was floating around in articles here and there, but Geoff hadn't been on either of the teams during those points in time. She couldn't see why he would have paid any attention to who Seth or Finn were seeing a few years ago.

God, had it really been that long? She had gotten her divorce a little over a year ago, January of '81, and hadn't been with anyone since. The thought was incredibly depressing, and just made her all the more antsy, like a school girl who was going on her first date with the cute boy from class - the one who had been in all her classes but didn't even know her name.

It felt sort of like that, as she tapped her neutral colored nails against her glass, her lips rolling under to catch the droplets of white wine that lingered there after her last sip. Her shoulder lifted and fell again with the deep breath that was preceded by a heavy sigh, one of her hands lifting up to self consciously rub at the spot on her forehead were a bump had once been. Thankfully the swelling had gone down with help of some ice and potions, but it felt like there was still a phantom bruise there. Once she was done touching the still sensitive area of her face, she tucked some of her hair behind her ear, and turned to look towards the door as she heard some commotion.

It wasn’t Geoff.

Savannah let out a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding, turning back to her glass of wine, taking another long, slow sip as her leg bobbed, one crossed over the other, smoothing down the fabric of her dress - another nervous habit as she waited for Geoff to arrive.

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2011-03-19 02:25 am UTC (link)
Geoff would have argued vehemently that Savannah being single wasn't a bad thing, especially if he'd known about the circumstances of her divorce. He listened as she spoke, though, muffling a laugh into his hand and trying to pass it off as a cough. Maggie was so sensitive about it.

"I honestly think she got the best deal out of the whole darn team, really. That Canadian girl got a pair of floppy ears, and Maggie just got a cute little tail -- you can cover that sort of thing up with a new pair of robes. I guess it did get her pretty upset, though." He shrugged his shoulders and then managed a little laugh. "I kind of have to cheer for her right now anyway." With his own team out of the running and all.

"I'll pass along your concerns, though. I'm sure the sympathy will do good in nursing her ego back to its fully ballooned health." He nodded the waiter away himself, shifting forward a little in his seat and bumping her foot with his.

Purely accidental, of course, but he didn't draw it back. In fact, he gave the side of her foot another small, playful tap.

Footsies wasn't too fifth year, right?

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