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Geoffrey Gavin Brand ([info]gavins) wrote in [info]valesco,
It wasn't hard for Geoff to pay attention to Savannah's story. Maggie had always told him that a woman could tell when you were faking trying to pay attention, anyway, and that it just tended to piss women off when you did that. He tried not to get into the habit of not paying attention to what people said to him anyway, since they seemed to like to quiz him about it later on. He nodded, watching the way her mouth moved while she thought about her answer. It was ... cute.

"Ah, but I hear that all the women love Gilderoy Lockhart. I'm sure that you can at least just watch his dreamy, golden locks while you ask him questions." He laughed, though, and then tried for a more serious face. "Have you ever thought of quitting and trying to get into the ministry again? I mean, I'm sure they'd take all your experience into account." Sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone could end well. Geoff hadn't at all been confident he'd enjoy the Professional Quidditch world, but it had turned out all right in the long run and it had even helped him get closer to Maggie. Being on separate teams just made the sibling rivalry all the more exciting.

He nodded. "And I'm sure your writing has improved overall, even if you are mostly doing stories to do with what colours are in. It's the experience that counts, right?"

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