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Geoffrey Gavin Brand ([info]gavins) wrote in [info]valesco,
He let her lead them to the table, since she seemed to know where it was. Considerate of her to try and keep them in the back of the place -- the Brands did like to stay out of the media as much as they could. It was harder for Maggie being on the Magpies, but it was still something that Geoff thought about.

So far she was doing well, as far as Geoff was concerned ... especially if she hadn't been on any dates for a while. "I'm surprised," he replied easily enough, waving a hand, "About you not being on many dates. I mean, I know that you said you send decent blokes running the other way, but..." He waved his hand. "I don't see any unicorn horn, and you're a pretty girl." And she didn't seem to have any glaringly obvious annoying traits, like awkward giggling or severe bitchiness about his being two and a half minutes late.

Seriously, he'd dated those girls. He shrugged his shoulders easily.

"With everything that's been going on with Maggie and her -- boyfriend," whatever crock that was or was not, since he wasn't sure anymore, "and the baby, I've not really had a lot of time to do anything except Quidditch either. So consider us in the same boat." And now ... what were they going to talk about?

"You said you're a reporter, right? Any reason you got into that line of work?" Someone being 'good at Quidditch' basically made them a shoe-in for the professional leagues, but actually working toward something like journalism had to have come from a different path, right?

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