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Geoffrey Gavin Brand ([info]gavins) wrote in [info]valesco,
Oh, she was offering him her hand. That meant she definitely was the girl from the journals, or at least someone who stalked his posts on the journals, and -- well, what was he supposed to do with it? He was so very out of practice with this.

Geoff was inwardly panicking, whether it was apparent outwardly or not (it wasn't). He plastered on a wider smile as she introduced herself, opting to do what he did in most of these situations: do what he thought Maggie would tell him to. He took her hand lightly in his and brought her knuckles up to his lips for a brief kiss before dropping it again, only a little awkwardly. It was the thought that counted, right?

"Geoff Brand, but apparently you already know that." He half-expected there to be cameras flashing when he said his name, but so far the media was blissfully absent.

"Should we get a more comfortable table? I'm sure the bar is lovely, but..." A table was more intimate, right? Better for personal conversation.

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