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Savannah Davies ([info]jot_it_down) wrote in [info]valesco,
Her lips twisted to the side, her pointer finger circling the top of her glass to get it to make that wonky noise that crystal made. She used to know how to play songs with water glasses, silly little things like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, but she was out of practice. It was one of her less impressive talents, but it was the first thing Geoff would be introduced to as he took a seat beside her without her realizing it, turning with a jump when she heard his voice.

Large hazel eyes focused in on the pair of crystal blues that were looking at her, letting out a soft, almost bashful laugh when he addressed the flower in her hair. Her fingers touched the petals as she looked away from him for a moment, her other hand dropping from the top of the glass to rest against the bar as she turned to look at him with a gentle smile.

“I’m the only one here, as far as I know.”

It was her way of letting him know that he had found the right girl. The hand that had been playing with the flower dropped down to her lap, turning herself in the seat so that she was facing him, her other hand extending out towards him, offering another smile.

“Savannah Davies.”

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