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wadcock ([info]wadcock) wrote in [info]valesco,
"We are not all dolts. And I'm going to let that slide, because you are not carefully editing your words like you normally do. And you have to admit, I'm far smarter than most of the people you work with. I just have a unique talent for pushing your buttons." Seth may not handle himself the best in the public eye, but he did know how to negotiate a good deal. He did manage making Captain of the Magpies on a trade after all. What happened after, well. He was working on it.

"And there are people drinking every night of the week. Mid week is always fun because you don't have as many uptight monday to friday nine to fivers crowding up the place." He looked back across the bar catching the blonde's eye. Seth tilted his head towards his brother and she grinned a bit more. He smirked and turned back to his brother.

"I think you'll have to concede to my expertise on this one, as she's staring at you. And, Mister Magpie? Really? That's what you're going to go with?" Seth rolled his eyes. "If she had recognized me, she would already be over here, being as far as the world is concerned I'm still single." Seth shrugged lightly. "But we're not talking about me. We're talking about how you are going to go over and woo her. You can manage walking in a straight line right?"

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