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h e n r y ([info]fictitious) wrote in [info]valesco,
Henry flailed his arms to get Seth away from him. What was he doing poking him like that? He looked down at himself, then back up at Seth, "What?"

Did his brother really think, with how OCD and obsessive he was with every detail of his life, that his body would be anything less than perfect? Henry's exercising regiment wasn't ridiculous, but it was the reasons for his really early mornings. He had so much to do during the day that going to the gym could only happen at four, five in the morning. What did Seth really expect?

"If I wanted to play quidditch, I would. But I don't, so," he let the topic drop and pulled a new undershirt over his head. "Just hurry up and tell me where we're going, but I can't be out late----I have early meetings tomorrow with Carys Llewellyn, her contract's up at the end of next season and we need to negotiate a deadline."

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