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h e n r y ([info]fictitious) wrote in [info]valesco,
He felt like shrieking, but kept that within himself. Henry couldn't remember the last time he'd gone out with Seth when it wasn't for a business matter; what, had it been like his twelfth birthday or something ridiculous like that? His brother was just out to ruin his life, that was it, and Henry could barely contain his frustration as they entered his bedroom.

"I have fun," he snapped, managing to make it to his closet before Seth could get in there and destroy everything. He turned and glared angrily at his brother, pulling off his shirt and tossing it into the hamper (he shouldn't have crumpled it, the wrinkles---gah!), "I have plenty of fun, I just don't hang out with your sort of crowd."

Though, Henry couldn't remember the last time he'd hung out with anyone from Hogwarts, or had been invited out by anyone other than Seth, or---No, he had fun. His life was not boring like he'd so previously been lamenting about. He had fun! He did. He stomped over to his dresser to find another undershirt, "Your crowd's ridiculous."

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