Henry was so bored. He was bored, and annoyed, and as he sat on the couch of his flat, Henry wondered when his life had become so boring. He was constantly at the hottest parties, the best clubs, hanging out with the most gorgeous women that he could ever imagine being near and---boring. He was bored of everything.
You know what excited him? Not that he'd ever admit it, and he always put on such a snit when asked, but Henry enjoyed spending time with his niece. Yep, they didn't do much but run the errands he needed to do, but he could talk to her and she'd smile and nod and just listen to him as if she cared. Henry mentally groaned as he came to the conclusion that he needed someone who cared, and that his almost three-year-old niece wasn't going to be able to fill that void in his life.
A sharp, sudden banging on the door of his flat knocked him out of his silent woe-is-me mantra, and Henry huffed. He shuffled his way to the door, peered through the peep hole, and frowned.
"Seth---it's nearly eleven o'clock at night, what are you doing?" Henry let out, pushing himself behind the door, peering out at his brother as he tried to hide his pajama bottoms.
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