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c a r y s ([info]llewellyns) wrote in [info]valesco,
Yep, he was a total prat that the reporters had learned to not bother with.

This was usually the point in the conversation that Carys would deem a good exiting moment, but that smirk of his irked her in the wrong way. Normally she wouldn't care what other people thought or said about her; her entire life had been photographed, especially during her bouts of rebellion during her Hogwarts years, after her father died. Carys knew she was a different person compared to then, but sometimes old habits managed to find their way back into her every day life.

Carys refrained from rolling her eyes at his gestures, because that would be something he'd use against her later in this conversation, and she would not allow that. So, Carys just stared, seemingly unfazed by his words. No, she looked more curious than anything, and her brows furrowed.

"And what makes you say that? My pretty dress?" She shook her head slightly, a grin growing on her lips as a drink was poured in front of her, "Don't judge a book by it's pretty little cover, Parkin."

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