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Tristan Bardera ([info]chasingquixotic) wrote in [info]valesco,
Ah, she was already asking about how long they had to stay. He was still overwhelmed with the fact that Psyke was here at all, but -- well. It made his decisions all the easier in the short-term. He traced his fingertips across the small of her back and then glanced to the side, hoping to catch sight of Carys.

"For an hour or two, at least." He shrugged good-naturedly. As much as he wanted to get Psyke home and snog her senseless, he had to stay at least a little while to feed the press. It wouldn't do to seem too rushed at an event such as this. "Excuse me a minute," he said easily enough, reluctantly untangling himself from Psyke's arms, "I'll be back in just a moment."

And he was -- gone and back in a flash, all smiles and with two glasses of champagne.

"Ah, there. Much better, don't you think?"

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