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galvin g. gudgeon ([info]galvinized) wrote in [info]valesco,
"Babe, you're gorgeous---you don't need a shiny dress to blind them."

Vinny grinned cheekily down at Victoria, his arm tightening around her waist. Okay, okay, he was kind of really enjoying all the attention. He'd been a hermit for so long, and then within a few weeks he had a gorgeous girlfriend and was back on the quidditch pitch! With the defending champs, no less! Sure, Vinny loved the Cannons and would forever leave a place in his heart for them (and on his arm, as his tattoo liked to remind him), but the Catapults were like being in a completely different league. People were taking him seriously now as a player and a competitor--

---and as a quidditch stud. Vinny was a good guy, of course he only had eyes for Victoria, but that didn't stop him from knowing that there were a whole lot of ladies calling out his name when he exited the Catapults stadium. It probably was a good thing that he hadn't signed with the Magpies; it wouldn't do much good to have your girlfriend bear witness to your flock of fans each and every day, yeah?

"Let's dance!" he said in a cheerful tone, taking Victoria's hand and waving to the cameramen with the other. "I hope I remember how to!"

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