Her flat in Colombia wasn’t what you’d call a typical flat in England. She didn’t exactly have a lease more of a...promise? The new healers weren’t supposed to arrive for another two weeks, so she’d received an owl explaining that all of the things she’d left behind were probably going to be chopped up into firewood of some sort if she didn’t come and pick them up. Danielle was amazed at how much she’d left and forgotten about; she had gone to England with all the intentions of coming back to Colombia, but had not thought about returning for nearly the entire length of time she’d been home.
Or, to be more precise, she hadn’t thought about going back to Colombia since she’d run into Donovan Rookwood again.
Danielle tried to hold in her laughter as she squirmed on top of Donovan, knowing that her wet hair from the trip to the beach they’d just taken must be annoying. She hoped still being in her bathing suit counteracted that. There weren’t many places to sit in her tiny, tiny hut of a flat, but she definitely could have decided to sit somewhere besides in his lap. The love seat was nowhere near big enough for two people to lie comfortably, but that didn’t seem to bother the two of them.
“You’ve got a tan!” she let out with a laugh, kicking her sandals off her feet to climb further on top of him. Danielle knew she was being ridiculous, but she really could not keep herself away from Donovan.
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