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noah n. boot ([info]supernoah) wrote in [info]valesco,
He hadn't felt like this in quite some time. He felt like---everyone in the room was staring at him, wondering why he was so weird and strange, what was he doing with that gorgeous woman because a bloke like him could never win her over and---Noah kept his eyes ducked, chin low as everything began to feel hot again. He was almost glad that Odette had simply asked why he hadn't told her, because that was an easy question to answer.

Noah choked out a cough, shrugging. He wasn't going to defend himself, he knew it was something he should have told Odette, but had there ever been a moment appropriate enough for him to slip in, 'Hey, I tried to kill myself when I was fifteen,'? Noah hadn't prodded for Odette to let the skeletons out of her closet, they'd all just come rampaging to the forefront of their relationship. He wasn't one for feelings and emotions and sharing like his twin sister was, so---this was far more overwhelming than he could possibly handle.

"What could I have said?" he let out, feeling his eyes prick with tears of shame and discomfort. Noah looked up at her, shaking his head and unable to keep his gaze on her. His eyes shot up to the ceiling, feeling hot all over but unable to pull away from her. He had to do this, didn't he? "It was the most--embarrassing, shameful---it's not something I'm proud of--"

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