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bianca p. aubrey ([info]persephones) wrote in [info]valesco,
It was disappointing, when the cold air refused to hit her face when Bianca slipped out the back door of the Goldstein's home. There must be some sort of warming spell, so the guests could mingle outside.

She'd needed an escape from the party the moment she spotted Bertram mingling with the crowd. They had been...distant. Bianca wouldn't say things had been terrible, but she hadn't put forth much effort of anything concerning Bertram. Which was bad, which went against everything that she'd told him during their big fight, but Bianca had decided something and wasn't going to turn her back on things.

She was going to be a mother, so no matter what happened, or went on with Bertram, her baby boy was first, and that was that. She'd picked out a flat near by her current one with Mira and had signed the lease for it two weeks ago. The move had been slow, but Bianca finally felt like she was making some progress on this big life-altering journey she was on. No help from Bertram, of course, but she didn't need him.

Bianca had decided she didn't need anyone years ago, and dropped to a bench near a small pond in front of the house with a long exhale. Seeing the cloud of cold air form eased her thoughts and she pulled the shawl tighter around her shoulders.

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