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sarah f. stebbins ([info]sarahs) wrote in [info]valesco,
"S'alright!" Sarah said happily, just glad to be out and about with her husband and son. She didn't care if Berkeley made it a point to call Rory her step-son, because to her, it was as if the boy had come from her own womb! Which was really funny, because he wasn't even Brier's, biologically!

What a right trio, they were!

Sarah bent, her heels making her a bit taller so that checking out Rory's mood was a little difficult. Her eyes caught the boy's, and she grinned immediately, "Hey you! Do you want to see some magic?"

She took Rory's hand, leaving him in Brier's grasp, and pulled them toward the Christmas tree which was spectacularly decorated. The tree Sarah and Rory had set up one afternoon while Brier was at work (eh! She took random days off now, to pick up Rory early and have some fun---) looked ready to keel over and die with all the ornaments and decorations. This tree was meticulous in its design, and Sarah wasted no time in pointing out the floating orbs and the tiny sparkles that were drifting about its branches.

"Isn't it beautiful?" she asked Rory, her eyes flitting over his head to glance at Brier. While ninety-six percent of her was completely and perfectly content with spending the night with Rory, that other four percent (okay, maybe it was a bit bigger than four percent, but---) wished for an evening just for her and her husband. They'd been married for nearly two months now and while she was quite easy to entertain (just ask the amount of finger painting that had been done in Rory's room since their eloping) it would be really nice to have a grown up night with Brier.

"Things are always better when they sparkle," Sarah said sagely to Rory, whose eyes are as wide as saucers, trying to capture all of the magic on the tree.

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