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wadcock ([info]wadcock) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-12-08 00:29:00

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Entry tags:mirabelle jasper, seth wadcock

Who: Seth Bloody Wadcock and Mira Jasper
Where: all dreams come true, a bar
What: Hahahaha
When: Nowish

What was she doing here? In all honesty. Mira had no fucking idea why she had agreed to go out for the night, leaving the hermitage that had formerly been her room. It was nice there, and comfortable--- most importantly away from all people. Her bed had proved to be a very good literal and metaphorical hiding spot for the past few weeks, and she really had seen no good reason to leave it. Bianca had though, and after a few minutes of severe guilting, here Mira was. Out. At a bar. Not his bar, mind you, or anywhere near it, but the effect was still the same.

She really hated everyone right now. Didn’t Bianca know it was a bad idea going out when you were in a horrible mood? Mira didn’t really care that her friend was looking out for her best interest, and yes going out into public forced her to do a lot of things like shower, but that still didn’t make the sour look on her face disappear.

Whatever. Her plan was to drink herself into oblivion and erase this entire night. It was really the best for everyone involved. Seeing that her drink was ready, Mira reached for the class over the counter top. But just as she grasped it, someone else did the same. Oh no. No no. Who dare take her drink? Whipping up a fierce glare, Mira followed the unwanted hand toward it’s owner’s face.

Seth raised his brows at the woman who was now glaring at him like he had kicked her puppy or something. He didn’t surrender his drink though. It was busy and he had been waiting for five minutes for it. Instead he just looked down from her glaring eyes to where they were both holding on to the drink.

“You know, you don’t have to try and steal my drink in order to hold my hand. All you have to do is ask.” Seth said with a lazy smirk. “But perhaps, I could be convinced to share.”

Oh, gross. Mira tugged at the cup, her glare only intensifying. Of course her drink would come attached with a creep who had no concept of normalcy or etiquette. Just what she needed! The cherry on top to this wonderful lovefest of a night! Well, he too would become a lost memory along with the rest of the night after a few more moments.

“In your dreams,” she scoffed, her eyes rolling as she spoke. Who was this guy anyway? Mira focused on his face out of the corner of her eye. Not anyone she had seen before. And therefore not anyone to back down too. Here he was acting like Merlin’s gift to the world. Please, she had seen, and dealt, with better.

“So if you’ll excuse me--” Mira stated, tugging again to pull the cup out of his grasp.

Seth just blinked at her. Just...blinked as he tried to process what just happened. Yes, it was a horrible line but he really never had to actually try before. Odette was really the only person to turn him down relentlessly, and that was mostly because she was practically on the same level as him. Other stars were a challenge. But here, just in an everyday bar. This should be easier.

Careful to let go of the cup when she wasn’t tugging on it (because causing her to spill it on herself was going to get him nowhere) Seth signaled for the bartender. “Another please, and put hers on my tab, will you?” he asked before turning his attention back to the girl beside him, catching her before she tried to leave. “Wait, sorry. You’re not really going to go are you?”

Sweet victory! Clamping onto the cup with both hands, she took a quick sip as she began to slip sideways away from the bar. Mmm, whiskey. Now all that was necessary was to return to her corner of self-loathing and be on her merry way! And she was close too, Mira had even turned her back to walk away, but the alcohol-nabbing man caught her.

“Yes. That is what I am doing right now,” she responded sourly, her face contorting slightly as she spoke. Did she have a psychopath on her hands? Or was he just confused on how things like this worked? Either way she didn’t exactly feel like dealing with the former or the latter, nor was she in a very manipulative mood. Mira just hoped he knew how to take a hint.

Seth just looked at her, mouth slightly agape. He couldn’t even remember the last time this had happened. If it ever had happened. “Wait, hold on a second.” he said snapping out of his stupor following her. “I don’t understand. I mean, there’s really no way of asking this without sounding like a complete ass but..Don’t you know who I am? I’m famous!” he stepped around her, preventing her from moving any farther away. “Or do you just not care? Oh I know, you believe what those trash rags say, right? They really do make up ninety percent of that trash.”

He smiled slightly at her ducking down just a bit so he was closer to her eye level. “At least have a drink with me before you completely turn me down?”

Mira couldn’t help it; her mouth gaped open as her left eye twitched in reaction to this man’s insanity. He had just--- stopped her, demanding, well, a lot of things. This was just unbelievable, completely unbelievable and she blamed this all on Bianca who would experience an ear-full when she got home.

So seriously, who was this guy? Wait--- did she even want to know? They way he was bitching a fit about how she wasn’t paying attention to him obviously meant he felt he was someone important. Or a celebrity... of some kind. He was attractive looking, she would give him that. So it couldn’t completely--- no! No no no no no what the fuck did she care who he was? This was just another line.

“What the fuck are you on?” Mira blurted after a few seconds of silence. “If you think I am going to believe this little--- charade of yours, you are sorely mistaken.” Her empty hand went flying at this point, flailing whenever necessary for emphasis. “So just run along and try again with a less competent girl.” She sent another glare for good measure, then turned on her heel to effectively storm away.

And where on earth had she been for the last five years? Living under a rock? He was Seth Wadcock. He was on the cover of a magazine at least once every couple months. What was wrong with this bird.

“Fine! Just fine! I have to say you’re missing out though.” He called after her. What did he care. He didn’t need someone who didn’t even care to follow quidditch. Which he was sure she didn’t, otherwise she would know who he was. He could have any pick of girls, who would line up for a chance to have a drink with him. Because he was Seth Fucking Wadcock.

But then again that was the only reason they lined up, because of the fame and his pretty face and goddamnit his night was ruined now because he didn’t want any of that if he really thought about it. He slammed back the rest of his drink, glared at the retreating figure of the girl who turned him down and stormed off towards the door.

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