It was still very, very strange to think of herself as a mother, but Maggie managed. She was a cool mum. She was a cool, hip, hot young mother! A single mum, at that! Maggie was raising Josef all by herself, and doing a pretty damn good job! Okay, so maybe Geoffrey came over quite a bit, but that was because he didn't have a girlfriend and had nothing else to do after practice. And Odette came by a lot, but that was because Anna needed a play buddy and----Drystan too, but that was because he probably thought she was going to drop Josef on his head or something (she'd only dropped him once, but had caught him just in time!).
And there was Adrian, too. Maggie didn't really know what to think of him, besides the fact that he was a great actor. He must've taken lessons in Portugal or something, because he was ridiculously good at being an affectionate boyfriend, which is hard when you're not actually getting any affection out of it. Josef seemed to like him, too, and it just---worked. Their little façade worked; Adrian was praised beyond belief for sweeping in and taking up his responsibilities as Josef's 'father', and Maggie didn't have to deal with all the questions and concerns the public had about her personal life.
They thought she was happy with her perfect foreign boyfriend.
And she was. Except he was fake.
"Ooooohh, look what Opa sent!" Maggie cooed, pulling up the tiniest Heidelberg Harriers jersey she'd ever seen. She held it up for Josef, sitting in his bouncy seat, to see. He didn't seem very impressed, so she turned toward Adrian, "Look at how cute!"
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