Patrick! (November 1981)
Oh, oh, oooh.
She hadn't wanted to say anything until she was absolutely sure, but with Emily standing over her and awkwardly 'holding mommy's hair while she creatively processed her breakfast', Patrick wasn't going to be able to be kept in the dark for much longer. She had just managed to get things in order for the pregnancy test potion before she'd gotten sick.
Patrick was still asleep, naturally, and Emily had wanted to come in and help her mommy with the problem she was having.
"Uuugh," she groaned, resting her forehead against the toilet seat and suddenly wondering if children weren't a slightly-less-useful version of those house elves that all the purebloods raved about. Even though her stomach was churning and she was not at all feeling well, she couldn't help but almost hope the test was positive. It wasn't as if -- well, she'd stopped taking the potion (with Patrick's knowledge, of course) a few months ago, because they'd decided that if children happened it wouldn't be terrible.
After all, nothing could be worse than her first pregnancy's circumstances, right?
The potion started to fizz and bubble a bright orange colour, and Lyssandra couldn't hide her grin ... until Emily managed to get her tiny fingers around the vial and attempt to drink it.
Lyssandra squeaked, immediately grabbing for the potion and spilling most of its contents on both of them.
Merlin, she hoped this stuff wasn't toxic.
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