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Ann Shimpling ([info]healerstouch) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-03-07 21:50:00

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Who: Nora and West (I know, it's mind bottling)
Where: Diagon Alley
When: Friday between 5 and 6 pm

Nora made it through the week. Despite all the poking and odd looks and blunt questions from both her students and the doctors, she'd survived. And she didn't mind it all so much, it just got bothersome after five straight days of seven year olds calling her chubby. But...that wasn't important. Right now the only thing on Nora's mind was Italian food. Carbohydrates, garlic, tomato sauce and...bugger, ice cream as well. That'd be easy enough, though, she would just make a quick swing by Fortescue's before heading home. She felt her stomach turn oddly and her hand subconsciously went to her stomach. It wasn't hunger, but...well, she wasn't sure if it was the baby either.

There was an adorable display up in the Quidditch store, so adorable that she was unable to tear her eyes away from it. She thought briefly of Griff and the upcoming match before she ran into something solid and stumbled back again. A quick panic ran through her body but she didn't end up actually falling over (thank goodness). "Merlin, I'm really sorry," she said quickly, turning to the person she ran into. "I should be more careful." She was blushing a horrible shade of red, breathing deeply to try and get rid of all her unnecessary adrenaline.

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