Say anything! He couldn't say anything! As much as Noah couldn't help the words coming out of his mouth, he knew they were wrong, and it was frustrating beyond belief to know that he couldn't get across what he wanted to say. Not was really just pictures and images floating around in his head. He knew who the woman in front of him was, he knew that he wanted her to be there and he wanted to touch her and would be upset if she left, but---his mind could only see flashes of memories. He couldn't---
Noah couldn't remember her name. He couldn't remember the children's names, he couldn't---he only knew his because of---Lyssandra----Lyssandra.
She'd helped him! Talk to her! "Lyssandra!" he nearly shouted, lurching forward to take her hands. She knew! She helped him! She talked to him and kept him from going completely mad during---Noah's eyes widened as his mind began to flood back some memories of the past few days, and the dark masks and cloaks of those that had tortured them shot to the forefront. But Lyssandra had talked and talked and made him focus on her because she was the only thing in the room that wasn't trying to hurt him and wasn't---
"She aligned----me!" Noah forced out, feeling completely pitiful because he couldn't even give anyone any useful information.
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