[Who?] Bess Fawcett and Jen Scabior.
[Where?] St Mungo's Maternity Ward dundundun
[Rating?] PG
[Why?] Why not?
Jen waddled into St. Mungo's her hand on her lower back and she huffed a moment. The walking was good for her but she hated it. Everything was taxing; she was ready for her baby girl to come out already. Her appointments had been bumped up to every week now and she watched the other women with their husbands jealously for a moment and then blew it off. Chester was busy and she knew it and she got the feeling he wasn't exactly interested in the baby since they had found it was a girl. She shrugged. There was time to give Chester an heir. They had the rest of their lives.
She waddled up the stairs and into the maternity section and checked in and sat down and waited for her name to be called. She looked at ring and sighed wistfully. There were days, like today where she wondered if she shouldn't of married Chester and just done the single man thing and listened to Bess. Her thoughts wandered as Bess' words lingered on her mind and jumped ten feet when she saw her sitting across the room from her.
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