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Berkeley Damian Darcy ([info]berkelisms) wrote in [info]valesco,
Berkeley was pretty sure at this moment in time he was going to die. He was going to die up against his jet at the hand of his boss' son. "I have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Your brother warned you about what about me? I didn't do anything but come over for dinner when he insisted, and you don't exactly say no to the Commodore."

And his head slammed against the jet one more time, which was not helping. Pretty soon the other boys were going to hear the commotion and come over despite him telling them not to. "I have no idea what you are talking about. Of course my name is Darcy, you think that's a name I would pick?" he lowered voice before he continued. "I'm from the states. And I didn't come over here to get pulled into some war. I came over her to be closer to my sister. I'm sorry your brother is gone but I had nothing to do with it."

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