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p h i n e a s ([info]mcseeker) wrote in [info]valesco,
The bloody balls on this guy! Did Finn look as if he gave a shit about protocol? About his father busting in here and yelling at him? The second his dad heard the news about Tiberius, you could be damn sure he was not going to be any calmer than Finn was right now. Any sort of rationality he had left flew out the bloody window at Darcy's taunting---taunting! As if he could possibly ever have the upper hand over him---

Finn wasted no time in grabbing the man by the front of his fly suit and slamming him up against the bottom of his jet. He gave Darcy a shake, his finger jabbing into the man's jaw as his wand was not in as quick accessibility as he would like. Plus, Finn felt like hitting things.

"Shut the fuck up before I kill you," Finn snarled, slamming the man again, "Tibs warned me about you, but I didn't listen and now he's gone. Want to explain that? Want to explain how fucking convenient that is, Darcy? If that's even your real bloody name!"

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