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Berkeley Damian Darcy ([info]berkelisms) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-08-05 13:50:00

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For on a rampage Finn >O
"For all the shit you guys give me for being a yank, you are awfully slow." Berk said from his desk near the back wall of the hanger, feet propped up. "Close to having to work through lunch again."

"Shut up Wisconsin. One of these days I'll figure out that fucking magic you pull off, and then you won't be laughing so much."

"Aw, O'Malley, all you have to do is ask and I'll give you a hand." Berk said getting up from his desk.

"Fuck off Mr. Darcy, I'm not a fucking damsel, I don't need your help."

Berk just laughed as he made his out of the hanger. "Alright ladies, I'm off to lunch. Try not to fuck up to much while I'm gone." He got a chorus of 'fuck you's as response. He turn around walking backwards, "Such love! I really don't know what I'd do without you. I'll bring you back some real chips."

Berk laughed again as someone yelled out 'crisps you fucker, you're not in the colonies anymore' and turned back around.

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2010-08-05 04:30 pm UTC (link)
"Oy--McLaggen, you're not allowed----how'd you even---!"

Finn slammed the door to the hanger open with an angry fist, storming by the official, his breaths short as he had just disapparated from his home in Puddlemere to bloody Lisburn to get---that smug bastard. Berkeley Darcy. He had broken so many rules just now, appearing right on the base where hopefully no one saw him poof out of mid-air.

The letter that was crumpled up in his hands was going to get shoved down this mother fucker's throat because----Tibs had been right, he'd been right about his bloody suspicions and Finn hadn't listened! He hadn't listened about this random stranger coming into their lives, into their parents' home and now Tibs was missing, there was some major blackout sweeping the country and---"DARCY!"

Finn did not wait for the man to acknowledge him before he grabbed his shoulder and spun him around, not a second later slugging him in the jaw, "WHERE'S MY BROTHER?"

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2010-08-05 04:53 pm UTC (link)
Berk went from laughing to being punched in the face in less than a second, and really what the fuck just happened. He massaged his jaw with his hand trying to make sure it wasn't fucking dislocated when he looked up and finally realized that it was Finn McLaggen. "What the fuck, Finn! And where the fuck did you just come from?" Berk said knowing full in well that he lived in Puddlemere, which was no where near the base.

Then he noticed his other guys starting rushing across the hanger, because some civilian just rushed into a classified area and assaulted an officer. Berk just waved them off. "I got this." he said although he was pretty sure he was about to get punched in the face again. "Commodore's Son." he continued and that got them to back off still looking wary in their general direction.

"What the fuck is wrong with you. You know better than to pull shit like this, you'll end up arrested and they aren't going to give a shit who your dad is." Berk hissed, trying to ignore the pain spreading through his face. "Now why don't you use your words like a big boy and tell me what has you acting like an idiot."

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2010-08-07 09:41 am UTC (link)
The bloody balls on this guy! Did Finn look as if he gave a shit about protocol? About his father busting in here and yelling at him? The second his dad heard the news about Tiberius, you could be damn sure he was not going to be any calmer than Finn was right now. Any sort of rationality he had left flew out the bloody window at Darcy's taunting---taunting! As if he could possibly ever have the upper hand over him---

Finn wasted no time in grabbing the man by the front of his fly suit and slamming him up against the bottom of his jet. He gave Darcy a shake, his finger jabbing into the man's jaw as his wand was not in as quick accessibility as he would like. Plus, Finn felt like hitting things.

"Shut the fuck up before I kill you," Finn snarled, slamming the man again, "Tibs warned me about you, but I didn't listen and now he's gone. Want to explain that? Want to explain how fucking convenient that is, Darcy? If that's even your real bloody name!"

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2010-08-07 01:47 pm UTC (link)
Berkeley was pretty sure at this moment in time he was going to die. He was going to die up against his jet at the hand of his boss' son. "I have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Your brother warned you about what about me? I didn't do anything but come over for dinner when he insisted, and you don't exactly say no to the Commodore."

And his head slammed against the jet one more time, which was not helping. Pretty soon the other boys were going to hear the commotion and come over despite him telling them not to. "I have no idea what you are talking about. Of course my name is Darcy, you think that's a name I would pick?" he lowered voice before he continued. "I'm from the states. And I didn't come over here to get pulled into some war. I came over her to be closer to my sister. I'm sorry your brother is gone but I had nothing to do with it."

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