Her sudden exclamation caused his brows to furrow, lips pursed as he listened to the explanation that followed. He really wished it would have caused him some comfort, but it really didn’t – not the slightest bit. What she was basically telling him, or how he was interpreting this, was that he would have been the one to hold her back from fulfilling her dreams – that if she had been to see him, she wouldn’t have been able to say good bye, and she would have stayed, and she would have been miserable; she was also telling him that even if she did leave after saying good-bye to him, she still would have been miserable. She took the easy way out. She didn’t want to suffer, so she ran away from everything she couldn’t face, and left him to deal with everything on his own.
“Is that supposed to make it alright? Telling me you regretted it?”
He looked away from her, staring down at the floor of the elevator, his teeth clenching together as he raised a hand to push back through thick locks of chestnut. He was trying to gather his thoughts, but between all the work he had been given these last couple of weeks and stressing about Jonas, and all the other day-to-day issues he had to deal with, this wasn’t what he needed right now.
“I never would have wanted to be the one you held responsible for never achieving your dream. I never would have wanted to be the one who held you back, the one you blamed for that…but I never would have wanted you to feel trapped, either.” He looked back up at her. “Maybe you wouldn’t have gone if you had come to say good-bye, but that’s no one’s fault but your own. I wouldn’t have ever made you stay…but you never even gave me the chance to let you go.” He swallowed roughly and looked away with it.
“There’s no going back. This,” he was referring to her career, why she had gone to Colombia in the first place “was what you’ve always wanted…more than anything, you wanted to make something of yourself…and now, you have. Clearly you made the right decision.”
It was then that he pushed the button to make the elevator move again, turning to face the doors again.
“So congratulations.”
As the last syllable spilled from his lips, the doors finally parted and he was able to step out of the incredibly small box they had both been trapped in – so small that it felt like he was about to suffocate, like the walls were moving in on the both of them, and he could barely breath.
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