Seeing her hadn’t caused that immediate anger he thought it would, but had actually been a bit of a shock to the system for the few moments they had maintained eye contact, but as soon as those denim-blue eyes dropped away from his, he could feel the muscles of his jaw tighten, a brow arching upwards as she started speaking. Part of him was tempted to tell her he’d rather just take the stairs, but then he remembered, again, that it was pointless. He didn’t want to act like a child. He wanted to be able to let this roll his shoulders as easily as she seemed to.
Maybe that was what pissed him off the most – she didn’t even seem to feel any remorse about how she had ended things. It was all about her career, wasn’t it? And there she was, standing before him as a certified healer. The bitter thought that he would have been so happy for her, he would have been proud of her crossed his mind for a split moment – a thought that would likely return again at some point, but was pushed to the back of his mind as he let out a nasal sigh, cleared his throat quietly and then stepped forward into the elevator. He reached forward for the lobby, and then stepped back in order to lean into the corner of the small metal box – back against the wall behind them with his shoulder pressing against the right side.
He knew standing there in silence was completely going against the ‘not acting like a child’ pact he had made with himself in his head, but he knew his silent fury was better than even trying to make civilized conversation with her, knowing it would just backfire. Maybe it came from being a lawyer for so many years, but he did know how to control his temper, when it mattered…although this wasn’t just any every day situation he was in. He wasn’t built to forgive and forget, and just act like nothing had ever happened, so he just…stood there, his eyes staring ahead at the glowing buttons they had both pressed before they traveled upwards, watching as the numbers changed so slowly - usually the elevator rides were quick, but right now he felt like they were moving slower than molasses.
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