Visiting hours were just about to end, and while Rafe and Gabriel had remained behind in Jonas’ room, Donovan had what he considered ‘good reason’ for wanting to get out of there at least a few minutes earlier than was required for any guests at Mungo’s. Thankfully he didn’t need to explain what this reason was, but some part of him had a feeling they already knew – if they had been checking his latest entry, they definitely knew. He didn’t want to be immature and avoid her completely if he saw her, so he thought it would be better if he left before Danielle – her, maybe ‘Healer Kettleburn’ was the more appropriate title, considering she was his best friends primary care taker while he was laying unconscious in Mungo’s.
God, he still couldn’t believe she was back. His head hurt at the mere thought of seeing her again, and the anger, the frustration and anxiety he had been feeling all week because of what has happened to Jonas was sure to surface and reach a boiling point the moment those blue eyes set sight on a blonde he knew so many years ago; a blonde he had loved - or, he thought he loved her. They were just kids, when they had been together…but he knew whatever it was he felt for her was strong, and it was real, and he knew he didn’t know what to do with himself for such a long time when she just vanished one day. She had the decency to at least let him know she was going to Colombia, but never said when. He found that out on his own when he went to try and see her at her home, only to have the news broken to him by her parents.
5 years had come and gone, and Donovan had…changed, over the years. Not really for the better, but it wasn’t for the worse, either. He was just different – less trusting, less open in any relationships he had been in after she was gone. Some part of him always thought that they were just going to leave, just like she did, if he let himself grow too attached, so he never did. It was this change in his behavior that finally made his parents decide they were sick of waiting for him to settle down on his own, because he probably never would at that rate. It was after waiting 5 years for him to marry and have an heir that they matched him up with Cecilia Hooke.
She did make him happy, and he did care for her after spending so much time with her, but in all honesty they were both more damaged because of past relationships than either of them wanted to admit. She was hurt by Evan, a man she had loved who had been a servant to the Dark Lord and killed in action, and Donovan by Danielle, a woman he had loved who might as well have been dead, in his eyes.
Thoughts of the 17 year old girl who had left a hole in his chest the day she had left carried with him down the hallway of Mungo’s, slow strides taking him closer to the elevator, his thumbs hooked into the pockets of the jeans he was wearing. His finger was extended to press the button down to the main floor, but just as it lit up, the doors opened.
Of course the first person he saw when they opened was the one person he was trying so desperately and foolishly to avoid. They were bound to run into each other eventually, considering she was taking care of Jonas during his stay at Mungo’s, but he definitely didn’t want it to be now – he didn’t want it to be today, when he had only just found out she was back, and he sure as hell didn’t want her to look even better than she had back in Hogwarts.
It just gave him another reason to resent her.
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