She hadn't wanted to bring this up with James until she was completely sure that they had something concrete and that Frank could move into legal action, but seeing James post like that -- so angry -- had made her move into action. Between him and Sturgis she was going to slit her own goddamn wrists, so the least she could do was cheer them up the way she knew how.
With James, it meant beer and cigars (even if she'd never seen him smoke -- boys would at least smoke them even if they'd never done it before) and telling him about the suspicious activity she and Frank had seen when they'd arrived at the scene of Mr. Potter's death.
She pushed the door to the Order house open with her hip and closed the door behind her, making sure it was locked before she headed into the hallway and tried to find James.
She ended up dropping the beer (cold, charmed to stay that way for at least six hours) and cigars onto the table in a somewhat messy pile.
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