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Marissa MacFusty ([info]marridgeback) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-06-25 22:00:00

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Entry tags:james potter, marissa macfusty

She hadn't wanted to bring this up with James until she was completely sure that they had something concrete and that Frank could move into legal action, but seeing James post like that -- so angry -- had made her move into action. Between him and Sturgis she was going to slit her own goddamn wrists, so the least she could do was cheer them up the way she knew how.

With James, it meant beer and cigars (even if she'd never seen him smoke -- boys would at least smoke them even if they'd never done it before) and telling him about the suspicious activity she and Frank had seen when they'd arrived at the scene of Mr. Potter's death.

She pushed the door to the Order house open with her hip and closed the door behind her, making sure it was locked before she headed into the hallway and tried to find James.

She ended up dropping the beer (cold, charmed to stay that way for at least six hours) and cigars onto the table in a somewhat messy pile.


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2010-06-26 02:39 am UTC (link)
He was supposed to be at the new flat with Lily and Harry, but James had been too restless to stay in one place. He'd buried his father, today, and could not handle sitting around and feeling more and more pity from everyone around him. Lily knew exactly what he was going through, so he didn't blame her for trying to comfort him, but he just--didn't want it. When his mother had died, James had been able to accept it straight away. She had been sick for a long time, it was just the way it was meant to happen. But---his father shouldn't have even been there. How could they have believed that bringing him along was a good idea?

He couldn't sit and be sad because it was his fault his father was dead.

James entered the kitchen, glad that most of the Order had decided to avoid him whenever he came near. Marissa had never been good at leaving him alone, which wasn't a terrible thing, really. She was like one of the guys--that you could whine and break down in front of without feeling like too much of a wimp. He skulked forward and dropped into a seat, pulling a bottle towards him and flicking the top off with his wand.


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2010-06-26 03:00 am UTC (link)
"You know I'm really bad at sugar-coating things, so I'm just going to say straight off that Frank and I saw someone pretty damn suspicious leaving the scene." She didn't have to say which scene she was sure that James would understand and have his brain jump to the right conclusion without her leading him along. After all, he wasn't drunk yet. That would come later.

If she found enough excuses to drink (both James and Sturgis needing it were reasons enough for now) she'd be able to ignore exactly what was going on with her and not let anyone else know about it either. Problem solved.

She grabbed one of the cigars and bit off the end, pitching it into the nearby bin and then lighting it. The smell of thick cigar smoke always reminded her of her father, and right now that was exactly what she needed.

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2010-06-26 03:38 am UTC (link)
James blanched, dropping his bottle to the table. They'd what? They'd actually gotten there fast enough to see---"And what do you know! Did you track him? Were you able to follow him?"

Fucking hell, if they were able to track down one of the death eaters that had killed his father----Frank would definitely make sure it was done legally, too, so that the fucking scumbag couldn't get off or...James' eyebrows furrowed. In all his time with the Order, they had only managed to get one death eater put behind bars, and that was because he'd left a huge trail of evidence behind him.

"What do you know?" he said, sounding a multitude less interested than he had just seconds ago. It was pointless, they just weren't capable.

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2010-06-26 03:41 am UTC (link)
"Frank's doing it the legal way and I am doing it the not-so-legal way, but yeah - we're following him. Pretty sure we've got a name, too."

Selwyn was the one who had the unmistakable face and profile, after all, and she'd seen his ass at the ministry far too often to not recognize even a glimpse of it. Frank had confirmed the same with her. She set her jaw when James' voice dropped a few degrees in interest, trying her best not to ... well, do something stupid like be annoyed. His father had just died, he was entitled to sulk.

"I just -- we're going to do something, James." She grabbed a beer as she exhaled a big cloud of smoke upward, fiddling with the cap for a moment before taking a drink.

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2010-07-01 05:27 pm UTC (link)
He wanted to believe her. James wanted so badly to believe that Marissa and Frank actually had leads, that within their places in the Ministry they were going to be able to take down the bastards who killed his father. Who destroyed his life.

When the death eaters broke into their last flat, the concern in James' chest had been solidified. There was a traitor within the Order's ranks. For all he knew, it could be Marissa, but---it was so hard to believe such things about the people he had trusted for so long. Trusted with his life, his wife, his son.

"What's the name?" James asked, slowly taking a drink.

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2010-07-01 06:42 pm UTC (link)
"Selwyn. Braith Selwyn." She nodded firmly to herself -- yes, they'd get the information that they needed on him. She was sure of it, because she had to be sure of it. If she thought that he was really going to get away, this one person that they had something nearing solid on ... she wouldn't be able to do any of this. Hiding the fact that Jinty was missing was hard enough to do without thinking about the possibility that she wasn't coming back.

If someone could get away with murdering Mr. Potter when they'd seen him leaving ... she couldn't believe that she was going to come back.

"I don't make bullshit promises, so I won't say anything else about that. I think we should just drink." Merlin knew she needed it.

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