Rachel! Uh oh
"Yes, good night---I'll owl you in the morning, Mother."
Half of Gabriel was grateful to send his mother home, but the other half was nearly begging him to allow her to stay. He was in trouble. In deep, absolute trouble that he knew he'd never be able to get out of. He had expected more of his mother, that she was a woman who could keep her mouth shut during social situations like a simple dinner with himself and Rachel's family, but no. The company of Rachel's mother simply had to cause her to discuss how this making-a-baby thing was going. In one of those sly ways, at that.
Gabriel had specifically asked his mother not to ask Rachel about this, for privacy's sake, and also because they were not trying to have children, in reality. Gabriel and Rachel had decided that their two children would be more than sufficient in their lives, and what need was there to add another baby? Of course, Gabriel wasn't as opposed to the idea as Rachel was, but he had accepted the fact and he was quite fine with that. Michael was turning a year old in a few weeks, all he needed was to focus on his son and step-daughter.
But, of course he couldn't let his mother know that they weren't trying. It would devastate her, especially with Rebecca being so very secretive with everything in her life. Gabriel had not seen the harm in letting his mother think that they were still trying, but he fully understood the wrath he was about to face with the one glare Rachel had shot him immediately after his mother had brought the subject up.
Maybe he could just sit down in the library for a bit until she went to sleep. Gabriel thought this would be a good plan, and it would have been, if Rachel wasn't already waiting for him in the library. He frowned.
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