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t h e r e s e ❥ ([info]alongday) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-02-29 22:11:00

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Entry tags:alice longbottom, frank longbottom

A good thing about being the only female trainee was...well, there wasn't much, but there was one thing, and that was having the locker room all to herself. The full-fledged female aurors were down the hall, and the trainees, well, from what Frank had said in not such nice words...that Alice won't repeat. They simply weren't as in good of a condition as the other lockers. Alice didn't mind it much, she usually waited until they got home to shower, anyway, so all it was to her was a large changing room.


A good thing about it was that it was always empty, and for some reason, whatever reason her subconcious could come up with, because Alice didn't have much of an idea, she felt like flirting with Frank. Not regular flirting, because of course she flirted with her husband on a daily basis. But flirting, flirting, and Alice wasted no time in poking her head out of the locker room door and grabbing onto Frank's arm, as he'd been waiting outside for her like he always did (such a good husband, really).

Alice shut the door quickly behind them, "Hullo," she said slyly, leaning back against the door.

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2008-03-03 02:01 am UTC (link)
Besides the fact that as Alice had pulled him into the locker room he had nearly knocked his head into the door, Frank was very happy that she had. Well, not directed his head into the door and pulled him in, for obvious reasons. After a long day of embarrassing Jugson (or being embarrassed), something like this was--- very much welcomed. Besides, with training and everything, the only time they really got to spend together was lunch, and even then their friends in the Ministry were always there.

And, not to mention, this was something of a public area. Sort of. Okay, it was really just Alice's big room that the Auror Department just had given her, but Frank would like to believe that anyone could walk in at any moment.

"Hi," Frank grinned, dipping his chin low as he shifted close to her to rest his hands on her waist. His lips pulled together into something of an amused, funny face, but he didn't care. "Why, Mrs. Longbottom, I think you're breaking some rules."

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2008-03-03 03:37 am UTC (link)
They could just go home and have fun in the privacy of their own bedroom, but Alice was sure the extra--excitement, the chance of getting caught was helping Frank's grin, moving his hands just a little bit faster.

Alice flushed; she felt like she was back in Hogwarts, but ugh, she'd never get over the wonderful feeling of being called Mrs. Longbottom. She was Frank's wife, and even though people called her for being a big-bad auror (which she was, she just wasn't that big), Alice adored being a wife. If the world wasn't in the state it was, she would have been quite content in staying at home, folding Frank's socks.

Okay, maybe not his socks, as, boy, training did make a man sweat a lot...but the general, loving idea was there.

"Am I?" she asked, fingers dancing up his chest to lay on his shoulders. Alice's lips pursed in a fake pout, "Are you going to tell on me?"

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